Saturday, July 10, 2010

Episode 1 - Moonraker

James Bond - in spaaaaace!

To me this is the best and worst Bond film at the same time. Some of the best photogtaphy, most scenic locations and hottest women are in this chapter. But it also has all of the Bond movie cliches turned up to eleven. Plus there is a space laser battle which seems really hokey today but was the coolest thing ever when I saw it as a kid.

Moonraker drinking game, drink every time-

Every time there is a sexual pun or innuendo

Every time the villain could just simply shoot James Bond, but decides to use a more elaborate method to kill him thereby allowing Bond to escape.

Every time Bond has a gadget that just happens to be the perfect thing for Bond to get out of a situation.

Every time Bond acts like a know-it-all and quotes some piece information that a real spy would probably never know.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Welcome To Film Spew!

Just what the world needs - another alternate movie commentary podcast!

Download the mp3 and play along with the movie. Start at the DVD menu and hit play when the countdown says to.

There will be sarcastic comments a-plenty and a drinking game for each movie.